Summer and Boarding school Expo

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Boarding school is a college preparatory institution where students and teachers live and study together in a safe and secure campus environment. Boarding schools have an outstanding tradition of academic excellence, built on an educational model that delivers diverse curricula, taught by highly qualified and exceptionally motivated teachers, in small classes that encourage meaningful interaction with the students.

Boarding school environments can range in character from arts-focused to militarily-oriented, but almost always feature a student body composed of young people from a diversity of backgrounds.

There are reasons to go to Boarding Schools. You will get teachers, who are passionate about teaching, love the sports facilities, find great arts facilities, get to live away from home, be stretched academically, be surrounded by students who want to be at boarding school, libraries & media centers are well-stocked, learn to be self-responsible, classes will be small and it’s alright to be smart.

Again, the statistics highlight the value of a boarding school education with 97% of graduates saying they were well-prepared for university versus just 39% of their state school peers.

Now, you know about boarding school and its advantages. Therefore, we will be holding “SUMMER AND BOARDING SCHOOL EXPO” on Sunday, 24 November 2013 at Gerbera Room, Mulia Hotel Senayan from 02:00 pm – 06:00 pm. This expo is free and open to public. Don’t wait and lost the opportunity to meet the representatives from top boarding schools in the world.  The schools are:

  1. Amadeus International School of Vienna (AUSTRIA)
  2. Besant Hill School (USA)
  3. Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart (USA)
  4. King’s Academy – Jordan (JORDAN)
  5. Northfield Mt. Hermon School (USA)
  6. St. George’s School in Switzerland (SWITZERLAND)
  7. Thornton Academy (USA)
  8. Trinity College School (CANADA)
  9. Villanova Preparatory School (USA)
  10. Wasatch Academy (USA)

So, what are you waiting for? Your bright future begins from here, lets register at here
